I wish the media would get it right.
I was watching footage of burning cars and looters on the news and the reporter was talking about the protesters in Baltimore.
There are protesters in Baltimore; they are the ones marching peacefully. The one’s not getting much coverage.
The people – if I may use that word – that are torching neighborhoods, looting stores and pelting police with rocks and bottles are not protesting anything. They are hooligans, thieves and violence-minded thugs using a real tragedy to mask their evil.
The tragic police-killings in Baltimore, Ferguson and elsewhere across the country are only cover for the Neanderthals to do their unlawful business under the guise of “protesting.”
Their violence outbursts do nothing to advance the cause of justice or honor the memories of the fallen. It is purely self-gratification as they sate their appetites for crime and anarchy.
The real protesters are there, but not being seen or heard as loudly as the criminal element is.
Now, there seems to be an epidemic of white police officers killing unarmed black men and it needs to be seriously reviewed. If the police officers did anything wrong, there needs to be transparency and discipline. Now is not the time to hide behind a thin blue line.
What happened when Baltimore cops arrested Fred Gray? The fact that it’s been more than a week and the police have failed to explain how Gray’s spinal cord came to be nearly 80-percent destroyed while in custody suggests that something is radically amiss.
Police can’t investigate themselves any more than any of us could investigate our own misgivings. The longer it takes for an explanation to come out, the more it looks like people are “getting their stories straight.”
While police should not be absolved of their misuse of power or unwarranted use of force, neither should the criminals that are taking advantage of the situation to loot and pillage be allowed to skip away without a care.
Good people of the neighborhood should step up and turn the thugs in.
Injustice can not be met with more injustice, if the end game is to find peace and justice. Violence only begets violence.
Fifty years ago, when Martin Luther King walked across the bridge in Selma he didn’t stop to loot a liquor store; seventy years ago, when Mahatma Gandhi protested for Indian independence he didn’t stop to throw rocks at the police.
They were real protestors, real heroes seeking positive change.
These punks bring nothing to the table but destruction. They dishonor the memories of the martyrs from the Civil Rights era, and shame the memories of the slain people they pretend to care about.
And, the biggest shame is that their wanton violence obscures the legitimate concerns of those who want peaceful change and accountability.
So, instead of just showing burning cars, maybe the media can help find answers for the burning questions of the real protesters?
I was watching footage of burning cars and looters on the news and the reporter was talking about the protesters in Baltimore.
There are protesters in Baltimore; they are the ones marching peacefully. The one’s not getting much coverage.
The people – if I may use that word – that are torching neighborhoods, looting stores and pelting police with rocks and bottles are not protesting anything. They are hooligans, thieves and violence-minded thugs using a real tragedy to mask their evil.
The tragic police-killings in Baltimore, Ferguson and elsewhere across the country are only cover for the Neanderthals to do their unlawful business under the guise of “protesting.”
Their violence outbursts do nothing to advance the cause of justice or honor the memories of the fallen. It is purely self-gratification as they sate their appetites for crime and anarchy.
The real protesters are there, but not being seen or heard as loudly as the criminal element is.
Now, there seems to be an epidemic of white police officers killing unarmed black men and it needs to be seriously reviewed. If the police officers did anything wrong, there needs to be transparency and discipline. Now is not the time to hide behind a thin blue line.
What happened when Baltimore cops arrested Fred Gray? The fact that it’s been more than a week and the police have failed to explain how Gray’s spinal cord came to be nearly 80-percent destroyed while in custody suggests that something is radically amiss.
Police can’t investigate themselves any more than any of us could investigate our own misgivings. The longer it takes for an explanation to come out, the more it looks like people are “getting their stories straight.”
While police should not be absolved of their misuse of power or unwarranted use of force, neither should the criminals that are taking advantage of the situation to loot and pillage be allowed to skip away without a care.
Good people of the neighborhood should step up and turn the thugs in.
Injustice can not be met with more injustice, if the end game is to find peace and justice. Violence only begets violence.
Fifty years ago, when Martin Luther King walked across the bridge in Selma he didn’t stop to loot a liquor store; seventy years ago, when Mahatma Gandhi protested for Indian independence he didn’t stop to throw rocks at the police.
They were real protestors, real heroes seeking positive change.
These punks bring nothing to the table but destruction. They dishonor the memories of the martyrs from the Civil Rights era, and shame the memories of the slain people they pretend to care about.
And, the biggest shame is that their wanton violence obscures the legitimate concerns of those who want peaceful change and accountability.
So, instead of just showing burning cars, maybe the media can help find answers for the burning questions of the real protesters?