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Presidential Trivia


In honor of President’s Day, let’s talk presidential trivia.


George Washington: Only president to be unanimously selected. He was the only president to not represent any political party.


John Adams: His last words were reportedly, “Thank God, Jefferson still
lives.” He didn’t know that Jefferson had died two hours earlier. Both died on July 4, 1826 – the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence!


Thomas Jefferson: To prove that tomatoes were not poisonous he ate one in public. He also founded the University of Virginia.


James Madison: The shortest president at 5’4’’, and the lightest at 100 pounds. He was Princeton’s first grad student!


James Monroe: Only president to have an African city named for him; Monrovia, Liberia.


John Quincy Adams: Used to skinny dip in the Potomac River.


Andrew Jackson: Killed several men in pistol duels. Taught his parrot to swear!


Martin Van Buren: The first president to be born an American citizen; all before him had been British citizens.


William Henry Harrison: Had the shortest presidential tenure, dying 32 days into his term. He was the first president to die in office.


John Tyler: His 15 kids were the most of any president. He was an excellent violinist.


James Polk: Underwent surgery for urinary stones at 17; his only pain killer was whiskey!


Zachary Taylor: Received his election confirmation late because he refused to pay postage due on the first letter.


Millard Fillmore: Maybe he believed in clean government: The first bathtub with running war was installed during his tenure. Also the first kitchen stove.


Franklin Pierce: First president to have a Christmas tree in the White House.


James Buchanan: Only president who never wed. He did maintain a long “relationship” with politician William King. Don’t ask, don’t tell.


Abraham Lincoln: He was a licensed bartender! He was also a noted wrestler.


Andrew Johnson: He was drunk during his inauguration. He survived impeachment by a single vote.


Ulysses Grant: Received a $20 speeding ticket for riding his horse too fast in Washington D.C.


Rutherford B. Hayes: Had the first telephone installed at the White House.


James Garfield: He was ambidextrous.


Chester Arthur: “Elegant Arthur” owned more than 80 pairs of pants.


Grover Cleveland: Only president to serve non-consecutive terms. He was legal guardian for a girl he later married.


Benjamin Harrison: Known as “The Human Iceberg” for his cold personality. Afraid of electricity, he refused to touch a light switch.


William McKinley: Always wore a carnation on his lapel; legend says he gave it to a little girl only moments before he was assassinated.


Teddy Roosevelt: His wife and mother died in the same house, on the same day – Valentine’s Day, 1884.


William Howard Taft: He was the heftiest president, at 328 pounds, and once got stuck in the White House bathtub. He became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after leaving the presidency.


Woodrow Wilson: His picture used to be on the $100,000 bill. Don’t believe it? Open your wallet and take a look. He earned a Ph.D from Johns Hopkins University.


Warren Harding: A poor gambler, he once lost an expensive set of White House china during a poker game.


Calvin Coolidge: A woman once told “Silent Cal” that she had bet that she could get him to say three words. His reply: “You lose.”


Herbert Hoover: His family had two pet alligators that were sometimes allowed in the White House.


Franklin Roosevelt: Receive credit for a Hollywood movie. He was a stamp collector; he had more than 1 million when he died.


Harry S. Truman: “Give’em Hell Harry” had no middle name, just the letter “S.”


Dwight Eisenhower: He was a licensed pilot.


John F. Kennedy: First president to hold a televised press conference. And, he held Marilyn Monroe …


Lyndon Johnson: The first president to name an African American to his cabinet. His seat in the Oval Office was a vinyl helicopter seat!


Richard Nixon: Sure, he went to China, but “Tricky Dick” was also the first president to visit all 50 states.


Gerald Ford: Was a fashion model, and was on the cover of Cosmopolitan!


Jimmy Carter: As Georgia governor, in 1973, he reported seeing a UFO. He was also the first president to be born in a hospital.


Ronald Reagan: At age 69, was oldest president ever elected. In 1954 he worked as a stand-up comic in Las Vegas.


George Bush: Inspired the Japanese word “Bushusuru” – which means to vomit in public.


Bill Clinton: He has two Grammy awards! He once aced a “My Little Pony” quiz on NPR.


George W. Bush: He was the head cheerleader in high school!


Barack Obama: He collects comic books; his favorites are Spiderman and Conan the Barbarian.




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